E3D Titan Aqua Mount
E3D's Titan Aqua is a water-cooled HotEnd that also cools the Extruder. It's an all-metal HotEnd that can print at higher temperatures with additional equipment. The E3D Titan Aqua requires a water-cooling reservoir and radiator with fan. E3D sells a kit containing a reservoir, radiator with fan, and all required fittings and tubing. The pump and radiator fan in E3D's kit are 12V only: for 24V printers please use a DC-DC converter.
Adapting the Default Tool Plate to mount an E3D Titan Aqua
The E3D Titan Aqua includes E3D's own "compact but powerful" NEMA17 extruder stepper motor but in order to minimize the tools impact on usable Y area, an LDO compact stepper was chosen; The LDO variant is 14mm more shallow. Photo of comparison.
Coupler Plate design
The tool coupling plate was designed using a combination of a CAD model of the E3D Titan Aqua and the default E3D V6/Bondtech tool plate. Closeup of tool plate.
Left/Right Wing Design
The left and right wing were simply designed to ensure the z-position of the tool plate while utilizing the same 47mm tool post design. Closeup of side view.
Water Cooling Reservoir, Pump, Hoses, and Fittings
The water cooling kit from E3D comes with a radiator with 12V fan, 12V pump with reservoir, nylon tubing, silicon tubing, and various fittings. The kit provides enough of the "stiffer" nylon tubing to be bundled with the stepper motor, heater, thermistor, and fan wires. As a result, there were many options for mounting the pump radiator and fan.
12V mixed with 24V
The Water-Cooling kit from E3D uses a 12V fan and 12V pump and therefore cannot be plugged directly into a Duet2Eth board used to drive 24V fans. As a solution, the Duet Wiki provides a solution for using mixed voltages. It involves taking 24V from the power supply and using a step-down converter (e.g. LM2596 Buck Converter DC to DC Step-Down Voltage Regulator) to provide 12V+ to your fans. Then connect the ground pins of the fans to the Duet board for control. Duet3D link for connecting fans with mixed voltages
This provides the 12V needed for the reservoir pump and radiator fan, while allowing the Duet2Eth & Duex5 boards to maintain 24V for any additional fans.
Effect on Other Tools
As a result of the increased size in Y over the default tool, the other tools' coupling plates needed offsetting. This design problem can be solved many ways; we chose to us a 15mm "spacer" with two 15mm M3 standoff press-fit into it. Closeup of spacer implementation.
Unfortunately, tool sag is a problem with this configuration. As a result, this spacer is seen as a temporary solution while designing an elongated tool post to correctly move the tool out along Y and maintaining a square face to the carriage coupling plate would be preferential.
Other links to items on this page
E3D's Assembly guide for Titan Aqua